Time to wake up from the meditating crush or infatuation. Enligthened by the grace of ignorance, dishonesty, and jealousy. I am glad that the cupid, is GONE! Cheers, :)
I know its not a permanent set back..but for now it seems so. Life indeed is full of surprises. You never know how or when it might just fall apart or just fall in place. Wish it was the later. Back to the grind, stress management, focus, To Do List : Personal, Professional, Emotional.
Phew ! I guess life has decided not to give me a break ever !
Trying to appreciate the upside down view for now..
... 40 ounce 'Bindaas'; 20 ounce 'Optimistic';15 ounce 'Enthusiastic';15 ounce 'Crazy';5 ounce 'Conditioned to sadness'; and rest....'Random error'!![:D]
self nicknamed as 'BAKWAAS" :)
enjoy every moment you spend in my 'Bindaas' world..love - Tanu